The Wilson Project Blog of UX/Front-End Developer Ivan Wilson

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IxDA Interaction 10

IxDA Interaction 10/Savannah, Georgia, USA - February 4-7, 2010

IxDA Interaction 10
Dates: February 4-7, 2010
Location: Savannah, Georgia

Hosted by SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design), this year’s conference will be spaced among various nearby locations around downtown. Savannah, with or without the conference, is worthy of a visit due to its long and influential history in this country. The IxDA (Interactive Design Association) conference will feature talks, workshops, and lectures on design areas that range from technology to new tools/processes to important issues such as instructing/mentoring new students in the field.

So, why is a front-end/ui developer doing here?

Well, I deal with designers all the time, whether they are web or print based. It allows me to follow what designers are doing and find ways to compliment – in an architect/engineer dynamic. Also, I get new ideas for inspiration or use in the other areas, especially if it is useful in my career.

Therefore, I will be spending some good quality time next month, soaking some fresh ideas and having a mini-vacation away from the same-old work routine.


P.S. – A little inspiration from the so-to-be conference…