Mental Steeplechase / Hurdle IA
After a some thought and some revisions, I decided that the homepage will take on the blog lister template. This caused the following changes in the primary navigation:
- Changed primary navigation with addition of “Home” link
- Changed “Information” with “About”
- Replacement of “Blog” (main blog page) with “Blog Links” (gray section below containing Blogroll, Archives, and Meta)
- Switched order of “Social Media” and “Blog Links”
An additional change was the addition of the site byline to the header.
As of today, this was the final substantial change to the look and feel of the Charles site. After almost a year and three concepts, Charles has its look and now I can move forward toward Charles’ completion in 1/1/2011.
Next steps:
- Complete HTML5 code templates
- Move TWP site from Windows to Linux server
- Start initial steps/planning for CMS configuration