The Wilson Project Blog of UX/Front-End Developer Ivan Wilson

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I wanted to write something before this year ended. It took 18 months between the last two entries.

But right now, there’s nothing to write about anymore. I started the blog in 2009. This site was already up in April 2001. There were a lot of exciting things going on in my front-end development. Then IxD. Then UX and IA. But I was still, at the core, a front-end developer.

Someone once told me in New Orleans, “It’s all fun until the frat boys come over!”.

Well, they came into tech, and now it’s a mess. And it seems like it’s just too much for people to clean up—a big change from 2016, when I was successful and seemed to have a bright future. I’m OK, but things have changed, and the tech scene isn’t the best place to be right now. I’m at the age, as well as some of my other friends, where we’re looking at more things older adults are looking at, especially towards ending our careers in tech and moving on.

Other things in tech are moving on. I used to go to An Event Apart conference – the last time in 2016.

Then, it ended last year. After 17 years. Lots of memories (and lunch boxes).

I finally attended an IxDA Interaction conference (online this time) after an 11-year absence. I was looking at this year’s conference, but it was canceled due to financial reasons.

Update (6/16/24) – IxDA (Interaction Design Association) makes announcement about its future amid serious financial issues

Right now, my relationship with tech is different than it was 15-20 years ago. And the world has changed, not necessarily for the better. But right now, I can’t write anything. At least, not tech or job-related. I’ve even left Twitter after 14 years. And it may be the start of a slow departure from social media – I’ve lived a life before it, and I’ll live a good life after it. I’ll still do my job to the best of my abilities.

But for this blog…well…I think this is the best explanation…